
Shannon’s Super Sexy Blog. Music. Travel. Randomness. And a Lot of Wine.

Imagine No Evictions


This is the good news. The fantastic looking man above is my six-week old nephew Ryan. He rocks!

I caught a little cold on Monday, otherwise I would have written about my New Year’s Day party sooner, and now it is kind of too late. Let’s just say it was really fun and towards the end there was KARAOKE here. I’m not sure if I should be proud or embarrassed, but it was really fun. I’ve got some pictures but my friends might hate me if I post them.

On another note, I am kind of bummed by something that happened today. My next door neighbor got evicted. People get evicted all the time, and sometimes they deserve it, but this guy has two children, twin girls that are about nine or so. They have lived there for a couple of years now and the guy was working before and everything was fine, but in the past few months he got laid off and started his own business. From what he tells me, he only owes the landlady $800. Whatever, I can understand someone wanting to get rid of a tenant who always pays late or short. What I can’t understand is coming around with the sheriff and locking a tenant and his two children out of their home. I actually watched (yes, they were very close, and I couldn’t look away) as the landlady told my neighbor and one of his girls they couldn’t go in, where all their stuff is, and shut the door and locked it.

I read somewhere recently that most people are only one paycheck away from homelessness. I don’t want those girls to be homeless. The apartments next door are so crappy that they are only one step away from homelessness, but at least there is a roof, a toilet, and a stove. It makes me really, really sad and I wish that landlady could have been a little more compassionate, maybe given him a bit more time to catch up on his rent. That guy is good to his kids, and they are really well behaved, nice children. They don’t deserve this. It sucks.

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