
Shannon’s Super Sexy Blog. Music. Travel. Randomness. And a Lot of Wine.

Friday, and the Living is Easy

Last night, I was sitting in The Vine with a couple of the guys who work there, and the sun went down and it was beautiful. For a second I was sort of bummed there will probably be no more rain, because I remember lots of happy afternoons sitting in The Vine watching the rain fall. But then I remembered how sick of the rain I was getting.

Now it is beautiful here. The skies are deep blue, the Santa Ana winds are blowing all the palm trees around. At night I can still hear the waves crashing. It is the time in-between Winter and Spring.

In one month from Sunday I leave for Italy. My Rome crash-pad has dissolved, so now I am obsessed with finding a cool spot to stay for my three or four days there. My problem is, I keep thinking of those heady days when it was 2200 Lire to the dollar. 50 Euro was $40. Or something like that. And it seems to be high season already. So of course, me being me, I am like “why pay that much for a hotel when I can have a whole apartment?”

Right now I have got it down to a place in Testaccio right on the river and two places in Trastevere. I am waiting to hear back – I hope the place in Testaccio is available because it looks hella cool. When I make that final plan, I will report back.

Nothing going on here this weekend except housecleaning, garage sale-ing, cliff sitting, and wine bar hanging. Oh, and some preliminary packing. I can’t wait for four o’clock.

One Response to “Friday, and the Living is Easy”

  1. GulleyJimson Says:

    revisions are good, non?

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