
Shannon’s Super Sexy Blog. Music. Travel. Randomness. And a Lot of Wine.

Archive for September, 2010

If it is Mercoledi, it Must be Pompeii

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

If there is a Hell, it is probably being an Amalfi coast bus driver.  Just being a rider was getting a little irritating.  I never rode the bus with people who thought it was a personal cab service before.  Interesting.

Anyway.  The best part of our time on the Amalfi coast besides spending Sharon’s birthday with her was staying at the Holiday House Gilda outside Positano.  I loved opening the kitchen door every morning to the most stunning ocean view.  It rained a lot, so I sat in the window and watched storms come and go.  It would be clear, then the storm would pass, then it would be sunny again.  This is how it went for many days. 

Staying there was like living with an Italian family for a few days.  The people who run the place were so wonderful.  We just completely fell in love with them.  Every day Rosa, Daniela and Gilda would make breakfast and talk to everyone.  They made us pancakes!  With syrup!  And fresh eggs every day.  I would never ask for pancakes in any hotel much less an Italian one, but believe me when someone puts them down in front of you, you just eat them. 

One morning, there was an Australian woman there with her husband and daughter, and it was her birthday but she did not know that the B and B people knew – Rosa had seen it on her passport when she checked in.  So at breakfast they brought out a cake and everyone sang.  You should have seen the look on the womans face, she was absolutely stunned and both she and her husband had tears in their eyes.  Plus we all got rum soaked cake for breakfast.  Awesome!

We also loved Giuseppe, Gilda’s husband, who would always bring us treats, including a bag of fresh balls of bufalo mozzerella, the last of which we ate today, with lemon infused olive oil on some crackers, overlooking the ruins of Pompeii.  Grazie mille, Giuseppe.

I felt like they were family when we left and I did not really want to leave.  It was a really special few days staying there.

Now we are in Pompei and we have been twice to the Scavi.  It is truly incredible, seeing all the vineyards and trees and plants mixed in with the ancient houses.  I am glad we went two days instead of one because we could not even do it all in two. 

It is our last night in Campania, so I guess we need to go and have some pizza… it has been an incredible couple of weeks here – the insanity and the glory of Naples, the beauty of the Amalfi coast… the ruins of Herculaneum and Pompei.  And still there is so much to do here. 

Tomorrow we head back to Rome and Colleen leaves Saturday.  Then I head north.  My energy is lagging a little, what with all those buses and ruins.  Perhaps some long train rides will rejuvinate me.


Friday, September 24th, 2010

We are in Positano and the one internet cafe charges 8 euros per hour so I am going to make this brief… I KNEW I should have written before I left Naples where it was only 2 euros an hour!  Oh well.  We were so exhausted at the end of every day in Naples… there is so much to see and to do and we were trying to jam way too much.  We wore ourselves out there.

Naples is like two worlds.  One side of the wall is crazy, with noise and energy and a lot of traffic.  On the other side of the wall, there is some leafy garden that is so peaceful that if you did not know the crazy was on the other side, you would never believe it.

Also, I think I can safely say that Naples is the only place I have every deliberately walked in front of a bus.  It is the only way to make them stop.  I guess I thought when we came to Positano everything would be all mellow.  Not!

It is very beautiful here of course and 98% of the people are tourists, definitely a change there.  It is more expensive for sure… we got here yesterday so that we could celebrate my friend Sharon’s birthday with her.  So we took the ferry from Naples and got here and hung out a bit.  Then at a wine bar, a glass fell off the table and somehow a shard hit the ground and bounced up to cut Sharon’s leg very badly.  There was a lot of blood and after some not knowing what to do (though, for some odd reason, I had a huge bandage in my backpack) the woman behind the bar got hep to what was going on and she came out and butterfly bandaged the cut, then called the red cross.  Three guys came down the hill and stiched Sharon up, and it was quite intense.  On her birthday!  But she was super brave and then the red cross guys were done and had a coffee and a cigarette.

Colleen and I then went to check in to our B and B which is a bus ride down the road.  What they don’t really tell you is, the walk from the ferry to the bus OR a cab involves a lot of steps and a hill.  So, you pretty much have to use a porter, which we did, and then after all that excitement we said screw the bus, we need a taxi.  So we get our taxi and we are pulling up to the B and B when WHAM! Some lady rear ends us.  Cristo.  It was loud and we were a little shaken up, but the entire front bumper of the car behind us was completely ripped off.  I am a little sore in my neck and my shoulder but I am not sure if that is from the accident, or from pulling suitcases around.  Or both.  Anyway, we are OK and now we have a new friend, Rosaria from the wine bar who saved Sharon.  Sharon invited her to dinner and we all ate outside at the edge of the bay, overlooking the sea and it was tremendously beautiful. And now she has a scar but also this new friend who is so awesome that it is worth a scar, I think.

It was really wonderful to be a part of this celebration in this place.  And it is very weird to go from Naples to Positano!  Truly.  I kind of wish there was a bus or two to walk in front of.  (Actually, there are, but I have to share them with a lot of other people and somehow it is just not the same.)

Well, gotta go, I am going to the wine bar to hang out with Rosaria.  What else is there to do on a rainy day in Positano, especially when the wine is cheaper than the internet!

So You Think You’ve Been to Italy

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

Well you haven’t.  Unless you have been to Naples.

This place is crazy.  Crazy AWESOME.  It is full of color and energy.  It SCREAMS.  Both Colleen and I are pretty blown away.

Our first day here, when we got into a cab and scooters were basically heading in our direction in OUR LANE, and we saw little kids on scooters with no helmets and people stepping into the street in front of cars without looking and into traffic, while, say, reading the newspaper… Cristo.   We are talking a major rush and then we got ripped off by the cab driver but I knew we would, so whateves… and then some good looking guy approached me on the street and it turned out to be Marco, our landlord who led us into our building where on our floor there is some kind of club for immigrants.  OK so that was maybe 5 minutes total that we had been here, because the cab only took about 45 seconds.

Went out for pizza and the Naples football team was playing and there were two large parties in a small room, suffice to say we could not really talk but the atmosphere and the pizza were awesome.  Friday, our first whole day, we had this grand plan to go to the Duomo and the Archaelogical museum but the streets here are a museum.  A living museum.  Courtyards have treasures, scooters carry entire families, there are bronze skulls and giant shrines, there is shit and there is garbage and there is humanity.  And there is pizza, so we stopped to have one for lunch, with a bottle of Falanghina.  Duomo and museum?  Niente.  Did go to a couple of other churches though including one that has a Donatello sculpted tomb.  When we went in to this small church there was a sort of scary, sullen looking caretaker, but then I walked by him and he asked where I was from and broke into the hugest smile, then gave me a flyer. 

Later that evening we were lucky to meet up with Bonnie who writes the Napoli Unplugged blog and her husband Steve, and then Robbin who leads wine tours around here. We all had dinner then walked down to the Borgo Marinaro which is an area full of bars and restaurants behind the Castel dell Ovo, a huge fortress like castle right on the sea.  Our waiter kept saying he loved us all (Steve said, you don’t love ME, laughing) and the whole scene was fun and vibrant and, well, what you think Naples would be like on a Friday night.  Or maybe any night. 

On the no degrees of separation front, Steve and Bonnie know Kevin and Kim Clarke who I know from the Slowtalk boards and have met a couple of times (Kevin and Steve worked together) and then, this woman shows up as she is a friend of Robbin’s-  she looks familiar, and then when she says her name is Vienna I ask her if she used to work at Gainey Vineyard in Santa Ynez Valley.  Yep.  I have just run into someone at a cafe in Naples that I once met in Santa Barbara county.  Now that is crazy.

Yesterday we walked way too much, but still managed to make it out at night for a free MTV concert in Piazza Plebicito.  It was kind of lame (too much talking, not too much music) but it was fun to watch the youth of Naples eat a thousand take away pizzas and on occasion suck each others faces off.  There was a lot of screaming a la Beatlemania, too.  We went to a wine bar before we went home where I watched Maroon Five play two songs (lame) on MTV while sitting in an apartment five minutes away.  Everything they say about the garbage here is true.  Walking through a green area on the way home, for no apparent reason, a broken office chair is sitting there.  Furniture is randomly dumped, and an insane amount of broken baby carriages.  But then you pass a recycling area and there are cardboard boxes broken down neatly and set on the side.  There is no way to make any sense of this city, but I do not want to.  I love it here.

There is an Indian family at the computer next to me, talking to more family, on a webcam.  Wonder where they are.  I will emerge into a sunny Sunday, and I wonder if I should have a pastry or a glass of wine.  Maybe both.  I have so much more to say.  But I can’t say it now because there are, seriously, 20 Indian people looking at me on a webcam.  Should I wave?