
Shannon’s Super Sexy Blog. Music. Travel. Randomness. And a Lot of Wine.


I had to fight hard after work today, to stay away from The Vine. I fear I am becoming a Vine Addict. It’s fairly frightening – I used to be happy just sitting at home drinking wine. And I think it is because of The Vine that (horrors) I DID NOT HAVE ANY WHITE WINE IN THE HOUSE TODAY. This never, ever happens. It’s The Vine’s fault for having an endless supply of all the things I love white-wise – Pinot Gris, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc. At around four P.M. I start to get itchy for white wine, and I used to be able to satisfy that itch at home. Those days are clearly gone.

I fought the urge instead of giving in (and god knows I am a major pushover when it comes to arguments with myself) because I am having a party on New Year’s Day, and tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. And I am getting over a cold, and I went to The Vine last night. One must take a break, if only for stamina’s sake.

My party, the second annual gathering for hangover relief, starts at 11:30 and I have bought insane amounts of liquids and solids – insane, because I have absolutely no idea how many people are coming. I think I can safely count on twelve people, but who knows, maybe forty will actually show up. The food has taken a bit of a white-trash turn, mostly because this is the stuff that tastes really good when you have a hangover. Check out the menu:

Clam Dip… Salsa and Chips…
Turkey Pot Pie, Spinach Enchilada Casserole Thingy,
Scalloped Potatoes with Ham. Hoppin’ John! Cocktail Weenies with Bourbon Slather.
My one nutritious menu item? Salad, but with candied pecans on it.
My over the top dessert? Bread Pudding Laced with Honey Grappa.

The warehouse manager at the main office was nice enough to inform me we have tomorrow off, otherwise I’d be sitting here working, instead of cooking, which I clearly need to start early on.

It’s almost 2005, who knew we would make it this far. Happy New Year to my faithful readers and all my buds and even you, Mr. Spammer.


2 Responses to “Tailspin”

  1. Laurie_Bushman Says:

    Happy New Year Shannon!
    I will be thnking of you and wishing I was at your party on New Years day.
    Take care!

  2. Tom Says:

    Bonne Ann?e…

    I would also like to be there, if nothing else, to pick up my prize, but, sadly, I will be stuck in the midst of celebration in the south of France. Pity me.

    P.S. That menu sounds great so I can only assume that I am eternally hungover.

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