
Shannon’s Super Sexy Blog. Music. Travel. Randomness. And a Lot of Wine.

A Tired Reunion

Top Chef last night was a “reunion” episode of sorts – looks like they are going to drag out this season as long as they can. Perhaps until Project Runway starts in the fall?

Anyhoo it was pretty boring. Even Dave was boring. Harold looked like he didn’t want to be there, but Lee Anne looked fantastic. She seems to be taking some sort of Glow Pill.


What the hell was Ilan wearing? He was wearing an ill-fitting tuxedo, but to add insult to injury he wore no socks and had his pant legs pulled up. He looked like a scared rabbit when they asked him about his future plans.

And Harold just got a one-star review from Frank Bruni at the New York Times. It’s a strange review, because Bruni seemed to like much of what he ate at Perilla, but gave it one star. Weird.

Since I’m one of the only Stephen Asprinio lovers in the universe, I was thrilled to see he is working on opening a wine bar in Costa Mesa. Cool! Costa Mesa is a lot closer than New York! And it’s possible that I will know people that will end up working there…

There are many things I want to do. Having many glasses of wine with Stephen Asprinio is right up there at the top. Flying to New York City to eat at Perilla is, too.

2 Responses to “A Tired Reunion”

  1. kimmer99 Says:

    I have to say Steven grew on me in re-runs; plus I liked him in the smackdown – compared to Marcel, he seemed pretty cool.

    So what do you think, will the finale be after your return from France now?

  2. Shannon Says:

    Kim, yes, I think the finale will definitely be after I get back; there are 10 chefs left, so if they whittle it down to three, the finale will be in mid-September. And that is only if they don’t skip any more weeks, which I doubt they will do!

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