
Shannon’s Super Sexy Blog. Music. Travel. Randomness. And a Lot of Wine.

Bored Beyond Belief

I think I need to have more dreams so I have something to write about. Working on the road? Boring beyond belief, especially in the winter. It’s too quiet up here in the middle of wine-country-nowhere. I’m getting so used to noise that I can’t sleep with silence. When it is silent, my ears ring. Is that normal? I almost wish I was sleeping to the sound of trucks downshifting on Interstate 5.

I am picking up my Britt portrait soon… maybe that will get the ball rolling. And I am choosing my prize soon. Someday, soon I will have something to write about. I’d write about my prize, but I don’t want to jinx it. Not yet.

Dublin Berkeley San Lorenzo Cupertino San Jose. The first person who can tell me why this list of cities, listed in this order, is part of Bay Area culture, will also get a prize. See how bored I am?

6 Responses to “Bored Beyond Belief”

  1. Jody Says:

    San Jose? 😉 Jody

  2. betsy Says:

    Dublin Berkley San Lorenzo Cupertio San Jose are part of Bay Area culture is because they ar all the cities that line the east side of the San Francisco Bay!And that is the order of the cities on I80!! Am I right? Do I get a prize?
    WAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am on a BLOG! THats my prize!!!!!!!!

  3. Kelly Says:

    wine and computers?

  4. Nancy Says:

    It’s from a radio commercial jingle from back in the 80’s (or maybe late 70’s). I think it was a camera store’s jingle.

  5. Kris Says:

    It was a radio commercial for a video & stereo store in the Bay Area. I was googling for the name of the store & came across this posting. I don’t care if I win I just want to know the name of the store it is driving me crazy.

  6. Angel Says:

    Ding ding ding – the store’s name is Denevi’s! I remember it well because my step-dad took us to the San Lorenzo store ALL THE TIME. (Not a whole lof of fun for kids) : )

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